
Health : IPPFAR Celebrates International Youth Day

Abidjan le 12 août 2015 ( The International Youth Day, marked on 12 August every year is a day set aside to celebrate young people and recognize their invaluable contributions to society.

Health: IPPFAR Celebrates International Youth Day#YouthDayYAMAFRICA.

This year’s theme: “Youth Civic Engagement” aims to acknowledge young people’s commitment and involvement in the development of their communities, the African continent and the world as a whole.

Youth engagement is at the core of IPPF’s priorities, evidenced by the organization’s commitment to youth empowerment, leadership and participation. Over the last 63 years, we have successfully empowered and enabled millions of young people to realise their sexual rights and strengthen their roles as drivers of social change -both in and outside of the Federation. We recognize that young people are a special group with unique characteristics and needs that must be addressed in order for them to thrive in the society.

IPPF offers young people the spaces they need to develop into wholesome individuals through different programmes specifically tailored for them. We engage youth as volunteers, staff members, advocates, champions and ambassadors, peer educators, service providers and community workers among others. We also involve them in the development of campaigns and policies specifically related to youth. Young people in our networks have indeed significantly contributed to IPPF’s achievements.

IPPF recently approved a new bold strategic framework (2016 -2022) which is intended to respond to emerging social, political and demographic trends -including the largest ever generation of young people. In this new strategic framework, IPPF will transition from a youth-friendly organization to a youth-centered one, where young people will become principal stakeholders in SRHR programming.

We invite you to join us from 9 – 15 August 2015 as we celebrate our young people through various events that IPPF Africa’s Member Associations have organized across the region.

Some of the youth activities that are lined up in the different Member Associations include:

Benin, 12 August 2015 : There will be a youth caravan in Natitingou whose mandate will include creating awareness on SRHR for the youth, and providing related services. Youth will be sensitized on the need to adopt healthy sexual behaviour during the holidays. Other activities will include training young people in entrepreneurship, as well as tree-planting.

Burkina Faso, 23 August 2015: There will be a courtesy call to the authorities of the city of Koupela, as well as a radio show on ‘youth and sexuality’. There will also be football game between MAJ and a youth association from the city of Koupela. A film titled titled ‘Final Confession’ will be broadcast, and a discussion on the same held between the youth.

Comoros, 11-14 August 2015: There will be open days at the youth center which will include conference debates about teen pregnancy or unwanted sources of conflict, and the promotion of youth in the process of peace and social cohesion.

Ghana, 13 – 15 August 2015: SRH services will be delivered at Durbar on 13th  August, Jisonayili Youth Center – Tamale and at Bolga Community Center – Bolgatanga on 15th August.

Guinea, 8 – 12 August 2015: Youth Citizenship Campaign in Conakry. This activity is aimed at increasing the knowledge of youth entrepreneurship, youth sexual and reproductive health, sexual rights and family planning methods.

Kenya, 9 – 14 August 2015: The East Africa Youth Camp at the Lake Naivasha Crescent camp.

This camp is providing a platform for young people to share reproductive health information among themselves through open discussions, sharing of experiences and learning how to address the day-to-day challenges they face. It is also aimed at creating youth ASRH champions.

Madagascar, 12 August 2015: There will be a Youth Open day in Diego, which will increase the visibility of the Youth Action Movement of Diego and it’s advocacy messages. There will also be a youth carnival that will create awareness on youth and their sexual rights, as well as encourage them to seek respective youth-friendly services at the Diego clinic.

Namibia, 12 August 2015: A documentary will be showcased in Khomas. There will also be visual conversation shows, IEC materials distribution, STIs and Opportunistic infections education, as well as condom use demonstrations. In addition, there will be refresher trainings for the peer educators, and other youth in the region.

Senegal, 12 August 2015: Youth Citizenship activities under the leadership of the Ministry of Youth happening at the Louga region. The activity will mobilize youth around issues related to citizen engagement and the demographic dividend.

Togo, 12 August 2015. The youth in Maritime will receive SRH and family planning services available from the free mobile clinic Choices Project. There will also be radio broadcasts on the concept of ‘citizen engagement of young people’. Courtesy visit to the Lakes Prefect and the Mayor of the city of Aneho and other notables will be made.There will be open days in Congo Brazzaville and the Democratic Republic of Congo from 11-12 August 2015.

Opportune Bath avec IPPF

